Sunday, October 7, 2007

SkyMall Catalog Fun

Ah yes....e-Breezewood was on the road and in the air this past week...which can only mean one thing....SkyMall catalog browsing fun! Let's get started.

Item #71405 - The Marshmallow Shooter

First of all...why do we spell marshmallow with an "a" instead of an "e"? That's silly. Here at shall be called a "marshmellow". Second of all...why don't I own one of these? How many times has a particular moment in your life been incomplete because you couldn't shoot a marshmellow at someone? Now you can....and it's only $24.95! It even has an LED for pinpoint marshmellow shooting accuracy. The barrel holds up to 20 fluffy treats at a time...perfect for pummelling unsuspecting friends or terrorists.

Item #713561 - Gravity Defying Boots

Because gravity is for sissies! Perfect for the office, walks on the beach, or going to the prom.

Item # TH462J - Deluxe Yoga Stand

This is not a joke. Allegedly, people think it's cool to hang around upside down. This is a bunch of B.S.. Zippy chance my chi's and shakra's enjoy having all the blood in my body race to my head. Unless it comes with the cute upside-down yoga girl...color me disinterested.

Item #HLGDON100J - Dough-Nu-Matic

Stop. If you're reading this...please reach into your wallet and buy me one of these right now. According the catalog..."The Dough-Nu-Matic automatically forms, fries, and drains delectable mini-doughnuts in just 50 seconds." Delectable doughnuts in 50 seconds! Hazaa! If you have enough change left me two so I can keep one in the car.

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