Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Who's worse? The Pittsburgh Pirates...or Terrorists?

That ain't Andy Van Slyke in center field...

This little gem comes from your e-Breezewood mayor-ette, Maria.

so...today i was reading the empty netters blog and there was a reference to the movie "sudden death." (which, by the way, has the best wikipedia page EVER--read the last two paragraphs). that got me thinking. the penguins have been in a movie where terrorists attack. footage of a steelers-cowboys game was used in the movie "black sunday," in which terrorists plan on blowing up the super bowl. the pirates?

nothing i can think of.

which brings me to my point, do people not include the pirates in disaster movies because they realize no one cares, or is the level of play so disastrous that adding terrorists to the equation really can't increase the level of misery?

Well...I think option 2. I mean...have you attended a Buccos game in the past 15 years? If I had a dollar for every Hammas roadside bomb that occurred on the field...well...I'd have a lot of dollars.

Do we not remember the walk-out last year? All those people might as well have been leaving to attend an insurgency convention.

And I'm pretty sure it was Hezbollah's fault that the "Outback" is no longer in the outfield.

Oh...and the Pirate Parrot was recruited from the mountains in Afghanistan. Look it up. I'm sure it's on Wikipedia somewhere.

The bottom line...

- The Pirates play baseball.
- Baseball is American.
- Losing 15 straight seasons in pro Baseball is un-American
- Terrorists are un-American
- The Pirates have lost 15 straight season.
- The Pirates are Terrorists

Trust me...I have a degree in science.

Monday, February 18, 2008


This one...courtesy of our friends from across the Pond.

Gary Harley is a real estate agent in England. Typically, if you're a real estate agent...you spruce up the house you're showing, right? Maybe some candles...sweep up a little bit...perhaps rearrange some furniture. You take care of all the little details around the joint.

Well Gary slept on one little detail...

How 'bout the body of the owner hangggging in the master bedroom closet...all while people are walkin' around the house checking it out.

What a debacle.

Monday, February 11, 2008

I need a young priest and and old priest...

The power of Christ...um...compels you?

This from out nations Washington Post. Apparently, the pope thinks we need more exorcists.

Fortunately for us...well...more fortunately for the damned...Rev. Andrzej Trojanowski from Poland is creating an Exorcist "Club Med" if you will.

According to the article...

An estimated 300 exorcists are active in Italy. Foremost among them: the Rev. Gabriele Amorth, 82, who performs exorcisms daily in Rome and is dean of Europe's corps of demon-battling priests.

Daily? Daaaaaiiiilllyyyyy?

A different type of Congress...