Thursday, September 20, 2007

Taser Mania!!!!

Mere hours after the post regarding the Pitt basketball player who got tased in the Strip District...a flurry of taser activity began. Coincidence? I think not!

The Sen. Kerry Incident

Quite possibly some of the most enjoyable audio on the net right now. If you haven't heard/seen it yet, make your way over to the YouTube.

To quote Andrew Meyer, "Don't tase me bro! Don't taser me bro! Waaaaahhhhhh!".

Police Taser Man with Chicken in Car

This one out of Sheboygan Wis.. According to the Sheboygan police (which I'm sure is a fine organization, don't ya know)....the man acquired the chicken from a local fast food joint.

Riiiight. I'm sure this guy rolled up to Wendy's and ordered a live chicken to go (probably a spicy one.) "Ya...gimme the real live chicken and a Jr. Frosty....."

Police Taser Crazy Lady in Ohio

This one hot off the press. Some lady gets Hammer Timed at a hurting Warren OH bar, and officer friendly Tasers her silly.

You can check out the video here.

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