Monday, September 3, 2007

The Cookie Table...

This weekend, I traveled back to Yinz-burgh for a cousins wedding. Now residing in DC, I always enjoying coming back and seeing how things have changed (like how old Steven Cropper is now) and how things have stayed the same (even in the summer, Yinzers still find the need to know the exact weather conditions at a moments notice).

Anyway, in DC, when I'm not making "real" money, I play in a jazz combo. We play clubs and restaurants in DC, swings dances, weddings, and the like. Needless to say, I've been to a LOT of wedding receptions over the past few years (as a band member, not as a guest.) So, compared to some weddings I've played in the DC area, I've found that western PA weddings are quite unique.

Namely...the cookie table. You don't realize it until you move away, but the cookie table is totally unique to western PA (sort of like gumbands and spigots).

And let me tell you, the cookie spread at this wedding was top-notch. My favorite are the peanut butter balls that are covered in chocolate. Brilliant.

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