Thursday, August 23, 2007


An now a quick little nugget from Vandergrift, a town very near and dear to my heart, despite how trifling it is.

Vandergrift held their Italian Festival recently. I always considered the ethnicity of most Vandergriftians as "hurting", but I suppose Italian will do.

Anyway...Ricci Martin, son of famous Dean Martin, was the "featured" entertainer. If I'm the SON of DEAN MARTIN...there's ZIPPY chance you ever get me to book a gig in VANDERGRIFT. I refuse to believe that this guy is having a hard time finding work that he has to book the Vandergrift Sons if Italy club.

Somewhere...Dino is rolling over in his grave (and sipping on a gin and tonic)


dino martin peters said...

hey pallie brando, dude it is more likely that our Dino is embibin' some J&B....his fav liquid libation. Anyway I think it is cool that Dino's boypallie Ricci is sharin' his Dinotrib far and wide, keepin' the Dinolegacy alive and well...btw have you heard the new Dinovinyl, Dean Martin Forever Cool? Never was, never will be anyone as cool as the King of Cool!

Rogue Spy 007 said...

I also think it's great that Ricci is playing his show in such a place as this. I personally live in a small rural area. We get very few good shows around here. It's too far to travel to some that we would like to see. I would love for Ricci to come around here and share his tribute to Dino. I applaud him for playing all sorts of places.