Monday, January 7, 2008

American Gladiators - A Review...

First off....hats off to BP...for leaving e-Breezewood's first comment...and it's about time! (Sorry Rachel, you don't count...especially since you've only left one).

BP wants to start a Wolf fan club...and I for one am a big supporter.

Known to his friends (who I'm sure are a wonderfully entertaining crew) as Don "Hollywood" Yates is apparently better known for his Rodeo Bullfighting skills as well as a professional wrassler. Howwwwwwwwwwwwllllllll!!!!!!!!! much as I hate to say it...this show is terrible. It was much better 15 years ago years ago before the age of "reality TV" where today reality=poorly scripted.

And let's talk about the Hulkster. need some new pants. Yours are old...discolored...and way way too tight. Note to wardrobe...get Hulk some new trousers. Secondly...does anyone else think the Hulkster might have scoliosis? He's always leaning forward at an inordinately large angle. Note to Hulk...drink more milk.

There are however, some bright spots...

1. Who doesn't like seeing little Asian guys being tossed around by professional body builders?
2. Her.
3. Her. (Not a typo)

And now...courtesy of Wikipedia...some American Gladiator trivia...

1. Referee Al Kaplon was a former American League Umpire...and is most commonly known as the referee from the movie Dodgeball.

2. Former hosts/announcers include....Joe Theismann and Larry Csonka.

Well...that's about it for trivia. girl Crush is listed as a former Mixed Martial Arts fighter. If you're not familiar with's sort of like boxing...only with no gloves...and you can kick...a basically beat the shit out of each other. Think the street fight in Rocky 5 meets Jean Claude Vandame meets you'd rather have a root canal without anesthesia.

Anyway...she won her first match by submission in just under 3 minutes using a Rear Naked Choke hold. grab your opponents neck from behind and cutoff blood flow through the carotid artery. This restricts oxygen to the brain...and in a few're unconscious.

Awesome. me.

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